Post-processing is usually involved to make things look sleak, and polished which can have effects on how fair the dice is. With several rolls, you wouldn’t see too much of a difference in the longer term, so it works out just fine for practical purposes. If your 3D printed dice has 90% accuracy for 1,000 rolls, would you consider that fair? Once you determine what is fair to you, then you can start to determine whether 3D printed dice is fair enough for you.ģD printed dice will be uneven, but to a very small degree if done correctly. I guess it’s down to the criteria of what you call fair really. Different printing technologies can improve the fairness though. In the real world, no dice out there is perfectly fair, but they are pretty close to it after rigorous testing and manufacturing techniques.ģD printed dice on the other hand, don’t go through the same strenuous testing or refined creation methods, so I wouldn’t put them against a professional set of dice in any instance. What are Some Good 3D Printed Dice Designs?.
How to Check Whether Your Dice is Fair & Balanced.Things to Consider When 3D Printing Dice.